Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I first began my tweeting career last semester in PR Administration. At first, it was like learning a foreign language. I had no idea what I should say or who I should say it to. Most of the people I originally followed tweeted only about what they were doing at that moment; therefore, I couldn't grasp the significance of Twitter. I rarely watched the videos people posted and even less frequently read the articles.

Last Wednesday in PR campaigns class, Dr. Miller assigned (what I have named) the "Dreadful Twitter Assignment." We were required to tweet a minimum of five times per day, follow 25 more PR professionals and/or social media outlets, and try to engage them in conversation. I immediately began stressing out. I work two jobs and am in charge of my sorority's step team while taking a full course load at school. When in the world would I have time to do all of this?!

For the first couple of days, I admit, I did not tweet five times a day (I am trying to make up for those lost tweets now). I just couldn't think of anything I could say. I did, however, start following new PR professionals to see what they were able to tweet about every three hours. I slowly started seeing what people were talking about, and ideas came to me randomly throughout each day. Before I knew it, I was getting emails on my iPhone left and right about new tweeps who were now following me. Who would have ever guessed... I am slowly becoming popular on Twitter!

Over the past week, I have learned a lot about one of the newest... And possibly most confusing... Social media outlets, Twitter. I have realized that Twitter isn't just somewhere to write exactly what you are doing at the moment you sit down at your computer. Instead, it's an absolutely amazing networking tool. I have made friends with people all over the United States, from LA to New York. I am even following PR agencies in Europe now (in case one day I get a wild hair and decide to move out of country). I have even found tweeps who were also PR students at different colleges facing the same obstacles as me! The coolest thing I have discovered in the past week about Twitter is that, hopefully one day, it will be my lifesaver and help me find a job! Every day, you hear people say, "Oh, you might as well plan on going to grad school, because you won't find a job." However, I see a new tweet almost every day about a new job opening.

Overall, this assignment has taught me to take Twitter seriously. Of course... The words 'tweeps' and 'tweet' are funny to say, but they shouldn't be taken lightly. Twitter is a valuable tool that all professionals (of any career field) should learn to use.

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