Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Swine Flu... No Way!

Aching body, extreme headache, burning eyes, blurred vision, diarrhea, fatigue and a cough that kept me up all night were the symptoms I told the doctor on the worst Wednesday of my life. I started feeling bad Tuesday afternoon. However, I assumed that my tiredness and headache were a result of what my mom calls "running myself ragged" (being busy all of the time). I took what turned into a three hour nap Tuesday afternoon and woke up feeling worse than before. I couldn't let it stop me though, because I had an extremely important test to study for. I took some Coricidin and attempted to study for the rest of the night.

The next morning, I was unable to pick myself up out of the bed. Going to the doctor is my least favorite thing to do, but this time... I knew it was a must. When the doctor finally called me back, she took my vitals. Although I knew I felt bad, I didn't realize the extent of my illness. My fever was at 103.8 and my blood pressure (which is usually extremely low) was 130/90. With wide eyes, the doctor responded to my vitals with the remark, "You're a sick kiddie." After taking a few tests, the doctor sent me home with H1N1. However, my mom insisted that I go to our family doctor back home. They too came back with the same response. On my favorite holiday of the year (Halloween), I got to be quarantined in my own room for five days.

According to, forty-eight states are reporting widespread influenza activity at this time. Of these, "almost all of the influenza viruses identified so far continue to be 2009 H1N1 influenza A viruses." The website gives viewers ways to prevent catching the virus, as well as other important information. Luckily, my body should have built up immunity against the virus so that I will not be able to catch it again. However, with the upcoming winter months, it is important for everyone to be vaccinated to prevent both seasonal flu and swine flu. Believe me... You do not want to learn the hard way!

~Tori Cantrell~

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