On Thursday, December 3, MTV aired the premiere of a new series called Jersey Shore. Eight Italian-Americans were chosen for the show to live in a house in Seaside Heights, NJ (the "Jersey Shore") for an entire summer. At first, the show's ratings were not as high as MTV's other hit series like The Hills or The City; however, according to the Los Angeles Times, the show's season finale broke records for MTV with 4.8 million viewers ("almost triple the audience who watched the series premiere"). Even though the show brought in millions of viewers throughout the season, fights and other misconduct from the cast have left thousands of others disappointed.
In nearly every episode of the show, at least one of the cast members got into an altercation (both men and women). The third episode raised the most controversy when Nicole "Snooki"Polizzi was punched in the face by a high school gym teacher from Queens, NY. Although it was made clear as to what happened in the scene, MTV decided not to reveal the actual punch because of complaints from viewers. Somehow, however, the footage managed to make national news as well as YouTube. In fact, the YouTube clip has had nearly 3 million views.
Several questions have arose as to whether or not the network should have made what happened apparent in the episode. Although MTV did air a public service announcement following the controversial episode, the network faced financial consequences when Dominos and American Family Insurance refused to continue advertising during the show. Since "Snooki" was punched, several other cast members have found themselves in fights and sometimes, even jail. The show has been referred to as "trash television" as well as "anti-Italian." Several groups have sprung up on Facebook as well against the show. Critics believe that the show depicts Italian-Americans in a negative light, as well as the state of New Jersey. In fact, the New Jersey chapter of PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) is currently working on a strategy to change the perceptions people have developed of their state from this show. MTV's PR team has lashed back to these accusations claiming that "(Their) intention was never to stereotype, discriminate, or offend."
Was airing The Jersey Shore a poor decision for the MTV network? Yes... The show's ratings soared by the end of the season. However, was it worth all of the controversy it has sparked with Italian-American groups and other New Jersey natives? According to the New York Magazine, the cast of the show will return for a season two of Jersey Shore, but it will not take place in the same location. Wherever it is... I hope MTV's PR team is capable of handling it!